About Me

Who is Gabe Hernandez?

At the heart, I’m a nerd who loves all things surrounding technology, culture, and entertainment.

I’ve spent the last several years as an Internet Marketer for the Cybersecurity Industry, and I’ve leveraged that experience and copywriting know-how into creating CopyFiesta.


Why Event Planning, Gabe?

Simply put, I’ve attended a LOT of events in my time…some good, some not so much.

And that experience allows me to bring a unique perspective to writing copy because I not only see it from your point of view as the Planner but I also know how it looks from the attendee’s point of view.

You get the best mix of a copywriter who can see the event you’re promoting from every angle.

I mentioned my experience with Cybersecurity, but that experience goes so much further. Everything from planning benefit concerts to virtual conference simulcasts to Star Trek conventions (yes, I even have a Klingon-to-English dictionary) fits within my wheelhouse.

And that’s why this is such a great fit for you.  If it’s neat, cool, awesome, different or just plain weird, that’s the kind of event that I love working on the best.

I don’t write copy just to make sure you make money (Don’t worry. That’s still the number one goal). I write copy for events because I love it!

Visit my Contact page and let’s talk about how I can write copy that makes your event a success!

(Contact Me)


-Gabe Hernandez

Copywriter, Copy Fiesta